At the end of 2024, the Department of Management organized two webinar events for undergraduate and graduate students of the Management Department. The first webinar was held on Saturday, October 26, 2024, featuring an educational session on the UPN Veteran Yogyakarta Library's e-resource services, presented by Mr. Prayudi, PhD, the head of the UPT Library. The session also covered strategies for publishing scientific articles in reputable journals, delivered by Prof. Doddy Setiawan, PhD, a lecturer from UNS Surakarta who has published 105 articles indexed in Scopus, many of which stem from his students' final theses, theses, and dissertations. The Chairperson of the Management Department (Dr. Titik Kusmantini) explained that the importance of this educational activity was to support the implementation of the Rector's Regulation No. 8 of 2022 regarding guidelines for final projects and publication pathways. To accelerate study periods for undergraduate, master’s, and doctoral students, a publication route can substitute for final theses/theses/dissertations. Additionally, the Chairperson emphasized that the publication route not only accelerates the study period but that the publications must meet university standards. For master's students, the publication must be in a reputable international journal (indexed in Scopus or WoS), or in a national journal indexed in Sinta 1 or Sinta 2, or international proceedings. Meanwhile, undergraduate students must publish at least in a national journal indexed in Sinta 3 or 4. The Coordinator of the Bachelor's Program (Dr. Widhy Tri Astuti, SE, MSi) believes that the socialization of the Rector’s Regulation will effectively support its implementation, and the department will offer undergraduate students the option of the publication route as an alternative to their final project starting in their 5th semester. According to the Coordinator of the Master's Program (Dr. Khoirul Hikmah, SE, MSi), students can register for the publication route starting from their first semester, and the department will validate the suitability of the supervisory competencies and prerequisites for the faculty. Supervisors for the publication route must have at least one article published in Sinta 1 or Sinta 2 or indexed in Scopus as the first author.

Poster for the Webinar Publication titled: "Webinar on Education in the Publication Path"
On November 2, 2024, the second webinar session was conducted to socialize the facilitation of international and national certification competency training in the Management Economic Development Laboratory (LPEM) for students. The webinar featured expert trainer Dr. Windu Gata from LSP Multimatics and practitioner Dedi Dwi Saputro, S.Kom, M.Kom, from PT XL Axiata Tbk. According to the Chairperson of the Management Department (Dr. Titik Kusmantini, SE, M.Si), the facilitation of international certification by LPEM is seen as a strategic step to strengthen graduates' international competitiveness. Graduates must have recognized competencies in their management field to enhance their preparedness to compete in the global labor market. The international certification training at LPEM is tailored to the various concentrations in the Management Program, including certifications in: Financial Management – FAF (Financial Analysis Fundamental); Marketing – CBDA (Certificate in Big Data Associate); Operations – CASC (Certified Associate in Supply Chain); Strategy – CBIA (Certificate in Business Intelligence Associate); Human Resources – CHCSA (Certificate in Human Capital Associate). Dr. Nina Fapari Arif, SE, MSi, Secretary of the Department and coordinator of the LPEM activities, informed that the international competency training is optional and that students can register for training at LPEM starting in the 2024/2025 second semester. This certification activity can also help students earn SKP (Certificate of Accompanying Diploma), which has been implemented by the University since November 2024. SKPI is considered a document that certifies the recognition of students' learning achievements during their studies.

Poster for the Webinar Publication titled: "The Advantages of International Certificate: Enhancing Credibility and Expertise in the Global Market"