The Flowchart
The Flowchart


This procedure was made to serve as a point of reference for academic advisors, lecturers, and/or students for consulting activities, both academic or non-academic consultation, within the Faculty of Economics and Businesss.


Scope of the Procedure

The scope of the procedure encompasses the lecturer and students along with any other supporting elements which may take part to ensure a smooth and robust study progress.

Terms and Conditions

  1. Guardianship refers to the consultation or guidance process between students and the academic supervisors. In preparing study plans, which includes the planning of taking courses, students are required to consult with the academic supervisors.
  2. The academic supervisors is obliged to provide consultation on every semesters.
  3. Students can use their rights of to communicate and consult with their academic supervisors regarding topic of both academic or non-academic nature.


To help students in finding solutions and correct direction to the academic or non-academic problems they may experience.


  1. Chancellor's Decree Number SKEP/87a/VII/2010 concerning the Principles of Academic Regulations for the Diploma, Undergraduate, and Postgraduate programs of UPN "Veteran" Yogyakarta,
  2. The academic calendar of UPN "Veteran" Yogyakarta, and
  3. The curriculums of each study programs.

Supporting Instruments

  1. Academic Guidebook
  2. Student Development Book