The Flowchart
The Flowchart


This procedure was made to serve as a point of reference for academic administrators or students for class registration activities within the Faculty of Economics and Business.

Scope of the Procedure

The scope of the procedure encompasses the planning courses, classes, lecturers, class schedules, and information regarding the registration within the Faculty of Economics and Business

Terms and Conditions

  1. Class registration refer to the students activity which include choosing courses and its lecturer, along with the chosen class schedule that utilizes the academic information system.
  2. To access the academic information system, students must have their own personalized Personal Identity Number (PIN) that can be asked from the academic officers.
  3. Student Achievement Index and the fulfillment of the prerequisite courses determine the availability of the classes. 


To facilitate and fulfill the students study plans.


Supporting Instrument

  1. Chancellor's Decree Number SKEP/87a/VII/2010 concerning the Principles of Academic Regulations for the Diploma, Undergraduate, and Postgraduate programs of UPN "Veteran" Yogyakarta,
  2. The academic calendar of UPN "Veteran" Yogyakarta, and
  3. The curriculums of each study programs.


  1. The Study Progress Book,
  2. Class Registration Guidebook,
  3. The academic calendar of UPN "Veteran" Yogyakarta, and 
  4. The curriculums of each study programs.